SENIORCARE INTERIORS S.L, as the entity responsible for the website, provides USERS with this document to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/and to inform USERS about the terms and conditions governing the use of this website.

By accessing this website, the USER agrees to comply with these terms and conditions, as well as any other applicable legal provisions.

SENIORCARE INTERIORS S.L reserves the right to modify the content of the website without prior notice. Such changes will be deemed effective upon publication on the website.


The following are the identification details of the entity responsible for this website: SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L., registered in the Commercial Registry of Alicante, Volume 1,337, Page 158, Entry 6, Sheet No. A-8285; Tax ID No.: B03255296; Registered address: Camino de la Estación s/n Polig. i4 – Parcel 5B, 03330, Crevillente (Alicante) – Spain; Telephone: +34 965 405 330 // +34 965 403 512; Email; Website


SENIORCARE INTERIORS S.L or its licensors provide access to various information, services, and content on its website, which USERS may utilize. The USER assumes responsibility for their use on the website, including any registration required to access certain services. The USER is obligated to provide accurate and lawful information during registration.

If the USER is under the age of 18, they must obtain prior consent from their parents or guardians before submitting personal data through this website.

SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L disclaims liability for information on the website that has been manipulated or introduced by unauthorized third parties.

Cookies: The website may use cookies (small data files sent by the server to the user’s device) to ensure proper functionality. The cookies used on this website are temporary and solely intended to optimize data transmission. They are automatically deleted at the end of the USER’s session. Under no circumstances are cookies used to collect personal information.

Since SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L cannot always control the content provided by third parties on its websites, it does not assume any responsibility for such content. In any case, SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. declares that it will promptly remove any content that may contravene national or international legislation, morality, or public order, proceeding to immediately disconnect any links to such websites and informing the relevant authorities about the content in question.

Third-Party Content: SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. is not responsible for content provided by third parties. It will promptly remove any content that contravenes national or international laws, morality, or public order upon becoming aware of it. SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. will inform the relevant authorities about the content in question.

The USER agrees to use the website’s contents and services responsibly and to refrain from engaging in activities that may harm the interests or rights of SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. or third parties. SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. assumes no responsibility for the information or content stored on platforms such as forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other medium that allows third parties to independently publish content on the SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. website.

A USER intending to establish a hyperlink to the SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. website on their own website must not use the information, services, or products available on the website in an unlawful manner or in a manner contrary to good faith. Specifically, the USERS who introduce a hyperlink or link commit to:

  • refraining from destroying, damaging, or altering the content, services, or products made available to USERS on the SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. website in any way.
  • not implying that SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. supervises, endorses, or assumes responsibility for the hyperlink or the content of the USER’s website that includes a link to the SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. website. SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. is not liable under any circumstances for the content or services provided on the USER’s website that includes such a hyperlink or link to the SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. website.
  • not including the brand, trade name, or any distinctive sign belonging to SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. on their website without prior authorization from the entity. However, in accordance with Articles 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. actively collaborates with USERS, authorities, and law enforcement to remove or, where necessary, block any content that may violate national or international legislation, third-party rights, public morals, or public order.

If the USER believes that any content on the website may fall under this classification, they are requested to notify the website administrator immediately.

This website has been reviewed and tested to ensure proper functionality; however, it may be disconnected or altered without prior notice, and SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. shall not be held responsible to the USER or third parties for any such changes. While the proper functioning of the website can generally be ensured 24/7 throughout the year, SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. does not rule out the possibility of programming errors or events of force majeure, such as natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances that may render access to the website impossible.


SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. is fully committed to complying with Spanish regulations regarding the protection of personal data. Accordingly, it ensures the proper use and processing of USERS personal data, guarantees full compliance with the relevant obligations, and implements the security measures outlined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, (GDPR), as well as in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).

SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. provides USERS with the entity’s Privacy Policy, informing them about the following aspects:

  • Data of the Data Controller.
  • Data being processed.
  • File in which the data is stored.
  • Purpose of the processing.
  • Whether providing the data is mandatory or not, as well as the consequences of not providing it.
  • The rights available to each USER and the procedure to exercise them.

In compliance with the general Data Protection regulation and the organic law for the protection of Personal Data guarantee of digital rights, SENIORCARE INTERIORS S.L informs the USER that the information provided will be included in the automated files of SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. for the purpose of managing administrative requests for access and sending our products and services, as well as communications of interest. The USER has the right to access this information and to cancel or rectify it by contacting the entity’s address. This entity guarantees the adoption of appropriate measures to ensure the confidential processing of such data.


The entire content of this website—text, images, trademarks, logos, audio and video files, buttons, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement, and presentation of its contents—is protected by Spanish and international intellectual and industrial property laws. Furthermore, and without prejudice to the foregoing, the content of this website is also considered a computer program and is subject to all applicable current Spanish and European Union regulations on the matter. Reproduction, in whole or in part, of this website or any of its contents, is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L.

SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L., either directly or as an assignee, holds all intellectual and industrial property rights to its website, including, but not limited to, its programming, editing, compilation, and other elements necessary for its operation, software, trademarks, logos, text, structure and design, selection of materials used, source code (HTML and JavaScript), or, where applicable, has obtained licenses or express authorization from the authors. All content on the website is duly protected by intellectual and industrial property laws and is registered with the relevant public registries.

The USER agrees to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. They may view the elements of the portal and even print, copy, and store them on the hard drive of their computer or any other physical medium, provided that it is solely and exclusively for personal and private use.
The contents included on the SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. website have been developed and included by:

  • The entity itself, SENIORCARE INTERIORS S.L., using both internal and external sources, is only responsible for the content developed internally.
  • USERS, through collaborations or voluntary submission of content, are solely responsible for such content, and SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. is expressly exempt from any liability arising from it.
  • Individuals and entities external to SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L., either through collaborations directly inserted into the website or through links, are solely responsible for the content introduced in this manner, and SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. is expressly exempt from any liability under the terms specified by Spanish legislation.

SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and/or the services offered without prior notice, either at its own discretion or at the request of a third party, to those users who violate these provisions.


SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. will pursue violations of these conditions, as well as any improper use of its portal, by exercising all civil and criminal actions that may be applicable under the law.


If you are under 18 years of age, you must inform your parents or guardians about the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L., who must approve these documents.
As a USER of this website, you agree not to use it for illegal purposes or activities. You are not authorized to modify any of the materials included on our website. Furthermore, you may not copy, distribute, transmit, present, perform, or, in general, reproduce, publish, authorize, or create any work based on the information or content incorporated in the SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. website, including that of its agents, directors, affiliates, and employees.


Our website may contain typographical errors. SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L., reserves the right to modify the content of the website without prior notice.


SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. assumes no legal responsibility for exemplary, consequential, punitive, incidental, indirect, or special damages related to or arising from the use of this website, whether or not the parties were explicitly or implicitly aware of the potential for such damages.


In accordance with Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 21, 2013, on online dispute resolution for consumer matters, and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC, in the event of a dispute regarding the contractual obligations arising from online sales contracts between the consumer, residing in the Union, and SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L., as a trader established in the Union, online dispute resolution shall be applied in a independent, impartial, transparent, effective, and fair manner through the following link:


Unless otherwise provided in the applicable consumer protection regulations, the laws of Spain shall govern the resolution of all disputes or matters related to this website or the activities conducted therein. SENIORCARE INTERIORS, S.L. and the USER expressly submit to the Spanish legislation, and the Basque Arbitration Court, located at Pº. Portuetxe nº 61 – 3º 20018 Donostia – San Sebastián (Spain), shall have jurisdiction to resolve all conflicts arising from or related to the use of this website. The administration of arbitration and the appointment of arbitrators shall be entrusted to the Basque Arbitration Court, in accordance with its Regulations and Statutes, and the resolution shall be made applying Spanish law.

Last version: September 2024