The future of care homes: feeling at home

Care homes are evolving into cozier and more inviting spaces, largely thanks to the dedicated efforts of professionals in the sector. The primary goal of this sector is to transform care homes into true homes, catering to the diverse needs of older adults with functional diversity or reduced mobility,

Aging and the decline of physical abilities should not result in a loss of comfort; rather, it should be the opposite. Consequently, new regulations not only emphasize shared spaces but also focus on the private environments of each individual and areas where visits from family and friends can occur. The main objective is to ensure that older adults experience physical, emotional, and social well-being, receiving consistent care from skilled professional while enjoying the same level of comfort they would have in their own homes, all within a pleasant environment that fosters interaction with the outside world.


At this point, architecture, interior design, and the furniture used in care homes play crucial roles. It is essential, for instance, that all furniture meets the specific needs of residents to create a comfortable and personalized living environment. Moreover, if these facilities simultaneously provide customized care that aligns with residents’ routines and create inviting spaces for families and visitors, it will significantly enhance the emotional well-being of both seniors and dependent individuals.

From electric beds to armchairs, chairs, and wheelchair-accessible tables: every piece of furniture for care homes must adhere to stringent criteria of quality, manoeuvrability, safety, flexibility, and comfort. At Seniorcare, we not only prioritize these characteristics but also believe that the design, materials, and colours of furniture play a fundamental role in creating warm and inviting environments.


Architecture, interior design, and furniture can contribute significantly to eliminating rigidity and promoting warmth and comfort for residents, visitors, and care professionals, including geriatric caregivers, nurses, doctors, occupational therapists, psychologists, and physiotherapists. By placing the individual at the heart of everything, our aim is to ensure that they feel listened and well-cared for, enabling them to enjoy maximum autonomy and quality of life.

According to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), it is projected that, by the year 2040, 27.4% of the Spanish population will be over 65 years old. Therefore, it is imperative to lay the groundwork for the care and well-being of both current older adults and future generations.